Thursday, February 9, 2012

jQuery UI 1.7.2

jQuery UI 1.7.2:

The second maintenance release for jQuery UI 1.7 is out. You can download it here:


File Downloads


Google Ajax Libraries API

Custom Download Builder


See the 1.7.2 Changelog for full details on what’s included in this release.

New Themes

Filament Group has done it again. They’ve given us 7 more beautiful themes in the ThemeRoller Gallery:

Dark Hive

Dark Hive Theme Preview


Eggplant Theme Preview


Flick Theme Preview

Le Frog

Le Frog Theme Preview


Overcast Theme Preview

Pepper Grinder

Pepper Grinder Theme Preview


Sunny Theme Preview

Overhauled Download Builder

A huge thanks to Gavin Mulligan, one of our newest contributors, for doing a complete overhaul of our download builder, fixing issues people were having with invalid zip files and missing theme files on certain browsers and platforms.

Also, a big thanks to all that helped identify issues in the old and test the new download builder: Aaron Barker, agnawt, Attila, Bear, Beaver6813, boater21, Brian McManus, brucealdridge, cblaze22, cioa, Cloudream, compsagnathus, davidcoallier, dgm, dp, dpaviani, engemasa, evo, garrardkitchen, Glauco Morais, gmaddockgreene, gtrplayer5150, hanmari, Hans Petter, hdragomir, joern.zaefferer, joldag, Julián C. Pérez, kareem, Karl, Keith Barrows, Kelheinz, khinester, Kim Rowden, KingCode, Lakshmi, latrippi, linuxjuggler, Logictrap, Matthew, mawcs, MorningZ, nilicule, p8w, Paul Bakaus, Petre KOSTOV, Phoenix Sol, pnanduri76, rdworth, rsm08, rwalsh, Rwhitbeck, Scott González, Scott Jehl, SexyBeast, SiCo, smorgen, sosensible, sotonin, Spencer, ssr, steenbag, steve_goodman, Todd Parker, tonybibbs, utobia, WanderingZombie

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Could not find a part of the path ... bin\roslyn\csc.exe

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