Monday, April 16, 2012

C# Operators and Precedence

It’s not always easy to determine which C# operators take precedence over others. The following table offers a list of common C# operators and their precedence, along with their cardinality and associativity.
Precedence Operators Cardinality Associativity
High () [] . new typeof Unary Left to right
! ~ + - ++ -- (cast) Unary Left to right
* / % Binary Left to right
+ - Binary Left to right
< <= > >= is as Binary Left to right
== != Binary Left to right
& Binary Left to right
^ Binary Left to right
| Binary Left to right
&& Binary Left to right
|| Binary Left to right
?: Ternary Right to left
Low = *= /= %= += -= &= ^= |= <<= >>= Binary Right to left

1 comment:

  1. Check out precedence of all the operators you are going to use in your programming life here.

    Precedence of All Operators in C#


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