Wednesday, March 14, 2012

.NET/ASP.NET Interview Question - Various types of Validators?

A validator is a computer program used to check the validity or syntactical correctness of a fragment of code or text. IN ASP.NET there are six different types of Validators. 1.Required Field Validator. 2.Regular Expression Validator. 3.Compare Validator. 4.Range Validator. 5.CustomValidator. 6.Validation Summary RequiredFieldValidator:-Ensure that the control has a value to assign in it or user does not skip an entry. For Example:- Regular ExpressionValidator:-Ensure that the value of the control matches the expression of validator that is specified. This type of validation enables you to check for sequence of character, such as e-mail address, telephone number, postal code and so on. For Example:- // for internet E-Mail. CompareValidator:-Ensure that the value of one control should be equal to value of another control.which is commonly used in password,less than,greater than or equal to. For Example:- RangeValidator:-Ensures that the value of the control is in specified lower and upper boundaries or specified range. You can check ranges within pairs of numbers, alphabetic characters. For Example:- > CustomValidator:-This control is used to perform user defined validations. ValidationSummary:-This validator is used to displays a detailed summary on the validation errors that currently exist.

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