Wednesday, March 14, 2012

.NET and ASP.NET interview question -Elaborate differentiation between Cache and Application?

Application and Cache both help to share global data and cache data across the users.but cache object is proactive and you can define dependency.In application object you can't define depenency. Below is the code for declaring application and cache object. CacheDependency objCacheDependency = new CacheDependency(Server.MapPath ("Banner.txt")); Cache.Insert("Banner", strBanner, objCacheDependency); Application["Banner"] = "strBanner"; In the above code, for Cache object you can define dependency but in Application object you can't define dependency.when the banner file is changed the Cache object can be refreshed but the application remain static and holds the old text of banner file.

WCF Interview Question - Method to perform Self-Hosting in WCF?

The following steps are followed to do Self-hosting. Step1: //Create a URI to serve as the base address // Address as well binding Uri httpUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:8010/MyService/HelloWorld"); Step2: //Create ServiceHost ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(ClassLibrary1.HelloWorldService),httpUrl); Step3: //Add a service endpoint host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ClassLibrary1.IHelloWorldService) , new WSHttpBinding(), ""); Step4: //Enable metadata exchange ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior(); smb.HttpGetEnabled = true; host.Description.Behaviors.Add(smb); Step5: //Start the Service host.Open(); Step6: Console.WriteLine("Service is host at " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Host is running... Press key to stop"); Console.ReadLine();

Could not find a part of the path ... bin\roslyn\csc.exe

I am trying to run an ASP.NET MVC (model-view-controller) project retrieved from TFS (Team Foundation Server) source control. I have added a...